up-to-date: 21.01.2025 23:00:09

czechoslovakian wolfdog   "od Úhoště"

Litter from Elenka IV od Úhoště

Litter from Elenka IV od Úhoště

Puppies will be for sale in 2025

COI: 2,29% !!!

AVK: 93,54%

COR: 4,57%


This litter will be very interesting and very valuable for further breeding. As is my custom, it is again focused on the original Czech and Slovak bloodlines. In the last five generations, you can see only Czech and Slovak ancestors in the family tree. Which is very important. In the pedigree we see twice the Czech breed Dragontail Norský vlk, a dog with a purely Czech/Slovak pedigree. I myself used him in the past with success in my breeding and I was very satisfied with his offspring. With him, my two favorite dogs automatically appear in the family tree: Argo Přízrak Karpat and Arin na Blatech. For which I am very happy. Unfortunately, otherwise, Dragontail was hardly used in Czech breeding. Next in the pedigree of the puppies we see my Moki od Úhoště. Moki was the founder of my breeding, daughter of my Ali Reolup. Very gentle female with beautiful longer fur. Her and Ali's exterior is still evident in my breeding. The mother of the puppies, Elenka IV od Úhoště, is a very submissive female, non-conflicting in the pack. Father Feňa IV od Úhoště is a very friendly dog who was born under a lucky star. He loves all people. So I expect puppies with very pleasant personalities, with whom the owners will live a fairly peaceful life. Puppies from this litter will be very valuable not only for Czech breeding, because their ancestors are very little represented in Czech breeding. This litter should therefore again reduce relatedness in the Czech population, which is currently in a very unfavorable state.

This litter will be another very valuable litter from my breeding. These puppies will be intended primarily for those interested in quality and interesting breeding with original, Czech and Slovak dogs. I will not sell puppies to the so-called garden. 99% of all ancestors in the pedigree of the puppies come only from Czech and Slovak breeding. This means that 99% of all ancestors underwent selection for character and exterior in some of the countries of origin. All of them passed through the hands of judges from the countries of origin, who decided on inclusion in breeding in the Czech Republic or Slovakia.
Every litter from Elenka IVod Úhoště will be one of a kind and very valuable. We can find only a few similar litters throughout the Czech Republic and Slovakia. We see 99% Czech and Slovak ancestors in the entire pedigree of the puppies up to the beginning of breeding. Which means that they have all been selected for character from the beginning of breeding. Either still in the army, or under the patronage of a breeding club in the Czech Republic or Slovakia. 99% of the ancestors have passed bonitation, which was assessed by a breed expert. And from the beginning, all bonitations took place in one of the two countries of origin. 99% of all ancestors were full dentition, they had qualitatively assessed dysplasia in one of the two countries of origin. And last but not least, they were generally healthy. As I know most of the ancestors personally and have repeatedly used their blood in my breeding in the last 30 years, I dare to say that the dogs we see in the family tree do not have hereditary diseases. If I knew about any, I don't have such dogs in my puppy family tree.

Only in my kennel, the only one in the world, you can see all the documents of both parents. Scans of all medical examinations for genetic diseases, bonitation cards, x-ray results for dysplasia of the elbow and hip joints. I am the only one posting x-ray photos of hips and elbows. If you focus on the maternal line, you can click on my www to see x-ray photos of the last few generations. So no cheating with the results. Everything in my kennel is transparent and all documents are available for future puppy owners.

Both parents of the puppies of course passed bonitation. Which is very important for our breed, because part of the bonitation is a character  test. As a bonus, it is bonitation in the country of origin. So no fraudulent foreign pseudo- bonitation. And you won't see any breeding of animals at my place that have not passed bonitation at all. So you can expect the puppies to have "country of origin" characters.

In the Czech Republic (and almost worldwide) we have a problem with the relatedness of the population. Specifically, we have a situation where approx. 80% of all wolves have Arimminum Upstream in their family tree. It's hard to find cover dogs that don't have it. This litter belongs to the high value 20%, where this bitch is not. If a dog from this litter is kept, it can be a sought-after stud. And the future breeding bitch from this litter can help the population in the country where it will work, reduce the relatedness of the population.

My pups never lie under IR light and I move them out when they're three weeks old. I sell pups with great immunity, big and tough, but also well socialized, since they're in contact with different people.


Mother: Elenka od Úhoště   (CZ)  (info here)

Bonitation code: A62I10OdQmXv53,2Xf108,1   (CZ)

HD: A (0/0)   ED: 0-0    (CZ)

DM: N/N       Dw: N/A

Photogallery : here

Documents: here





Father: Feňa IV od Úhoště (CZ)

Bonitation code:  A68F5I10OfQpXv51,5Xf107,4   (CZ) 

HD: A (0/0)             ED0-0    (SK)

DM: N/DM            Dw: N/N

Photogallery: here

Documents and health results: here




Pedigree of puppies:

In last 5 generations of pedigree you can see:

    26 ancestors from Slovakia

    36 ancestors from Czech

0 ancestors from Poland, Italy, Grermany, France, Hungary,.............


Read here how to reserve a puppy

See if you are suitable owners for my puppy: here

If for some reason this litter does not suit you, choose from other litters. All will be implemented at approximately the same time. Here is the list of mothers, open the individual links: Litter from Cindy III od Úhoště (here), litter from the Black sea wolfdog Giny (here), litter from Gabi of Marvelwood (here), litter from Jara III od Úhoště (here), litter from Xenia III od Úhoště (here), litter from Ryška III od Úhoště (here).