up-to-date: 04.03.2025 00:29:29

czechoslovakian wolfdog   "od Úhoště"

Xenia III od Úhoště

Xenia III od Úhoště

COI: 2,57%

AVK: 87,09%

wolf blood: 28,26%

nearest wolf: 9. generation

born 29. 9. 2021

Mother: Cindy III od Úhoště

Father: Faolan Tawy

Bonitation code: A62 I10 J1,5 N1 Oh Qq Xv51,6 Xf111,3   (CZ) 

HD: A (0/0)      ED: 0-0    (CZ)

DM: N/N          Dw: N/N

Photogallery of Xenia: here

Health results and documents: here

For me, Xenia is a VERY valuable female with a pure Czech/Slovakian pedigree. Since 1958, all her ancestors have passed Czech or Slovak bonations with a character test. Of course they also have a Czech or Slovak x-ray assessment. For me, sufficient evidence of health and quality. Xenia comes from a well-thought-out union, which was carried out with the idea of preserving the blood of Faolan Tawy and thus Dak Kollárov dvor, as a high Slovakian male. Dak appears twice in her family tree, as do the Czech dog Doran z Ponického dvora and Amur z Ďáblova kaňonu. Both of these Czech stud males have been successfully tested in my breeding in the pedigrees of my puppies. I hope that their offspring will produce large dogs with quality fur in the future. Well, traditionally, my favorite Argo Přízrak Karpat also appears in Xenia's pedigree. A dog that I have tested sufficiently, which has never brought me anything bad in the breeding. On the contrary, his head and his father's head are very welcome in my breeding. And of course - Xenia is already the fifth generation of my females, descendants of my Ali Reolup. A sufficiently tested family, where no negative surprises await me after years. Even if Xenia herself looks more like her father, Faolan Tawy, I hope that her grandmothers and great-grandmothers will be reflected in her offspring. Xenia's character is absolutely unique. Xenia absolutely loves people. She jumps around madly at every stranger and welcomes them well enough. She is VERY temperamental, with a drive for any job. Here I see the influence of Cork Stín vlka, another favorite of mine. His crazy welcoming nature is clearly evident in my puppies, who have him in their pedigree even after generations.

Xenia is my own female and can be seen at my place.



Pedigree of Xenia:


  23 czech ancestors in her pedigree

  8 slovakian ancestors in her pedigree

0 ancestros from another countries from first generation!!!!!