Moki od Úhoště 10.10.2003
bonitation code: A63K1OdP3 HD result: A (0/0)
mother: Ko-ko z Molu Es father: Ali Reolup
bonitation code: A63K1OdP3 HD result: A (0/0)
mother: Ko-ko z Molu Es father: Ali Reolup
Moki is our "sun". Very quiet temper, really not from her mother. Typical sofa wolf
, able to lie long time without a move, especially, when you scribe her. She is very contactly one, during a walk she will come several times for a stroke. She was closed to the strange people at the start, but it changed in adult, so she will come for a stroke to the wholly strange people now. We can fully rely on her for allways and everywhere. She can walk without a leash in the town, and reacts for all commands and she is very unconfilct to another dogs. She is absolutelly unuseable for a training of defenders, because SHE will not bite the people after all! Sometimes, she is very submissive; every accent of voice she sees as a punishment. But for her subvidiance we never didn´t need to accent the voice. Our children can walk with her outside without a leash, she is reliable and she does respect them.
About an exterrior: her father gave a beautifull longer fur to her, with a full colors (orange, white, black) and yellow wolf eyes.